What We Do

Find out the what we do to help families affected by HIV/AIDS

APECOS's mission is to promote the well-being of HIV / AIDS orphans. In order to accomplish its mission, APECOS has set up six programs for the benefit of its beneficiaries. According to the “active thread” principle, APECOS goes beyond its direct beneficiaries, to support even the guardian families.

1. Education

We believe that education is the first step to making a brighter future for anyone, that is why we finance education for our children starting from the age of 6 till they finish secondary school. In this program,

- We help integrate the children into the formal school system,
- We help with the distribution of school materials like books, uniforms and their payment of school fees.
- We visit children at their schools and their families for educational monitoring and if necessary we pay for the remedial lessons if the children are having difficulty.
- We also help for those who cannot follow the school system (children over 18), guide them in vocational training.

2. Health Insurance

We believe that health is wealth and given that our beneficiaries are either infected or affected with HIV/AIDS we give medical insurance (Mutuelle de Santé) to them and their families. We also pay for their medical bills as well as monitor families under treatment by social mediators.

3. Economic Reinforcement

The economic strengthening program is carried out through four main Income Generating Activities (IGA), namely: the sewing profession where we train them and provide the needed raw materials; agriculture; the breeding of small livestock (rabbits, goats, etc.) and the setting up of small businesses like selling in their local markets or opening a shop. Our beneficiaries also have an option of choosing a business they believe will generate income for them and with this, they have been able to make their lives and their families’ lives better.

4. Social Gatherings

In our gathering we include activities based on sports and culture and it takes place during the holidays. The children meet twice a week in the APECOS premises to play together. We also organize sports games and tournaments with other children in the area, as well as hold parties on occasions like Christmas.

The parents also use that time to have discussion sessions between orphans, heads of household, adolescents on ARVs, or adults living with HIV / AIDS as well as having support groups and awareness sessions. We also hold individual or group psychological visits and consultations, at the office or at home.

5. Food and Clothing Distribution

Children infected with HIV / AIDS often suffer from nutrient deficiencies. This has repercussions on their physical health and hence their school life. When necessary, we distribute food to families to promote their nutritional health.

Like other vulnerable people, people on ARVs also need help with clothing. To do this, we receive on average 3 times a year, batches of clothing collected from various donors from Europe to distribute to families, mothers and children.

6. Sponsorship

With the help of our partners, we started a program of connecting children with sponsors from over the world as well as in Kigali. With the help of sponsors we are able to pay school fees and the needed scholastic materials, we pay the child’s health care insurance, and when there is money left we save it for the next semester. Sponsors help with the tuition for children in both primary and secondary.

In addition to these main programs, other forms of support are made as needed and when opportunities arise. This means that we provide support for the benefit of the most needy beneficiaries examples include: construction or renovation of residential houses; payment of monthly rent; distribution of mattresses; etc.